Maybe she carried one in her black handbag.
Before the set started, someone brought out a big black handbag and placed it on the riser behind center-stage.
Della Street smiled, left the office, and a few moments later was back, carrying a woman's black handbag.
Her voice shook and she took a small white handkerchief from the black handbag.
She seemed to debate with herself for a moment, then snapped open the black handbag which had been reposing in her lap.
It was a woman's black handbag, of some soft substance, probably suede.
Inside the small black handbag he found several months' worm of wages.
A large black handbag hung over her left shoulder as if she were about to go out.
They put the glasses in the sink and Bernie picked up her big black handbag from the kitchen counter.
Clutching a large black handbag, she ducks her head and walks quickly toward a quiet corner table.