There was a monumental wooden bedstead in one corner, a huge sofa covered in black horsehair in another.
In one hand he held a swatch of black horsehair, which he was sweeping over a distinct hoofprint in a patch of loamy soil.
Instead of a netting of black horsehair, the shard from the mirror now lay encased in a delicate webbing of purest silver.
The Crest chair (below) has crests of black and white horsehair for "a quiet air of triumph."
The bow used was fitted with coarse black horsehair, which produced sound by friction.
Around the walls were ranged a sofa and a few chairs of black horsehair, adorned with soiled antimacassars, and upon the chimney shelf an old clock ticked monotonously.
But what do you do with a Viennese three-sided bristle brush made with top-quality black horsehair if all you need is a Dustbuster?
It was a large, dark room, furnished in a funereal manner with black horsehair, and loaded with heavy dark tables.
He was disguised as a Sathuli trader in flowing robes of grey wool and a burnoose, bound with braided black horsehair.
The thongs popped against the stiff black horsehair.