Davie, Davie," I thought," was ever seen such black ingratitude?
Hobson and Hoskins are punished particularly severely - in Prout's eyes, they have displayed "black ingratitude" after Loder had pleaded for clemency on their behalf earlier in the day.
"It would be the blackest ingratitude to disparage the Guards," Ackerley wrote.
Nevertheless, with black ingratitude he would throw up the job suddenly and depart.
And she will do it, she has the hardihood and the black ingratitude.
There is only one name you can give her," said Old Grandmother, "and it would be the blackest ingratitude if you didn't.
It would be black ingratitude in me to hint at such a thing,' returned the other.
It is to be presumed that the lonely little god knew the black ingratitude of human nature.
There may be black ingratitude in the thing, and the punishment may be retributive and well deserved; but, that it is a miserable thing, I can testify.
And human nature, Dr. Watson--the black ingratitude of it all!