However, modern taxonomic classification considers the black legless lizard to simply be a melanistic form.
A green and black lizard motionless upon the blue and silver sea.
The island is known by this name due to the very high number of black lizards that can be found scurrying away during one's climb.
In other words, being a black lizard on a black island provides you with camouflage from avian predators.
Gleaming black lizards darted between clefts in the rocks.
One, a fat black lizard in the crux of a tree, recited to her the kings of Roumania.
When the parents returned in the late afternoon, they found that their son had completely dried up and turned into a black lizard.
Like a sinuous black lizard he slithered past slumbering creatures and around rubble heaps, never once making a sound.
On the island there is the endemic species black lizard (Podarcis melisellensis pomoensis).
The saliva accidentally spilled and transformed into a black lizard.