It gleamed in contrast to the rich black loam on which it lay.
Her feet sank into the black loam carpeted by the dead leaves which represented the falls of many years.
The land was down upon itself, a land of black loam, but nothing on it, not even grass.
He crouched in the warm black loam between two rows of vegetables.
His fingers lifted the black loam and then patted it gently back into place.
He dug out a handful of soil, crumbling the black loam between his fingers.
Once you got outside the walls it was thick black loam all the way to the Ramtops.
The depressions in the soil are covered with a black, rich loam, on which there is a vigorous vegetation.
The final half-mile is a hike across rich black loam.
The soil is a strong black loam and the sub-soil is clay.