Then they left, leaving their black monoliths behind.
The black monolith was standing - or floating - only two meters from his bunk.
Yes, they had seen the black monolith of Ahriman, but only from a distance.
And it didn't need a black monolith to point it in the proper direction.
It rose out of the brown earth like a monolith, black and mute.
Of course everyone knows what happened in 2001; they found a big black monolith on Luna - but in 19561 didn't know that.
Eventually it did much more than that, as somewhere during production the pyramid evolved into the now famous black monolith.
The sculpture consists of a black monolith set on a circular base.
It's just sitting there: a big black monolith with the little light blinking at me.
It rose behind the fence like a black monolith.