A middle-aged woman stood outside, in the light of a glowing globe half-covered in black moths.
Check evergreens for bagworms, the larvae of small black moths.
The red and black, day-flying adult moth is also distasteful to many potential predators.
The burnt papers rose, like black moths, as high as the ceiling.
In its chest, where a heart might be, something that looked like a large, black moth fluttered and beat sooty wings against the glass.
The creatures were shaped vaguely like moths, mostly black but with a spotted pattern that turned pale pink in the red light.
There were grey, black and gold moths with curled antennae.
A black moth on a moonless night would not have escaped Shadow's notice.
It's not as if I'm going to wake up and see big, black moths hovering over me to bring me to trial.
No wonder some of the settlers had seen visions of black moths and death's-heads.