She padded to the elf and sniffed him curiously, her black nostrils flaring.
He noticed that the black nostrils of the other two were twitching, but more discreetly.
Heads lifted, their breath steaming from black nostrils.
The black nostrils of a sparrow sitting on a branch sixty feet above her head, for instance.
In the back of my mind, The Fear rose and hung over me, watching with dinner-plate eyes, breathing fire through black nostrils.
Arlo bounded high, landing across the hot black nostrils.
Wherever you looked, you saw a pair of black nostrils just above the surface of the water.
The animal charged on; its warm breath powered out of its black nostrils and curled in the air.
The trunk itself was very wide and bulbous near the face, with vast black nostrils.
A long pink tongue lolled happily, and the black nostrils sniffed in my direction.