He seemed to be balancing a small black oblong on the middle of his chest.
They reached the cluster of black oblongs at the other end.
She stared with obvious distaste at the tiny black oblong that Baker placed on the coffee table.
Once in the lower room, Feran gestured toward the black lorken-framed oblong.
Wiz stood up from a newly opened box waving a black oblong.
A black oblong that might have belonged to a No mask.
A black oblong, out of place among the standard green LEP models.
He stared at the first one that came his way, a black oblong with rows of dimples along its side.
There, you can make out the sentry standing just to the left of that black oblong, which is the small doorway.
Cautiously, he limped down the stone path to the black oblong of a doorway.