Then he took a shining dagger of black obsidian from his belt and cut Casca's bonds.
His skin darkened, became a deep, black obsidian.
A stone described as like black obsidian was used "to dispel the wrath of the (personal) god."
The blade was about six inches of black obsidian.
Castle Zhakrin was constructed of shining black obsidian, granite, magic, blood, and bones.
The tomb was a simple structure of elegant design, built by dwarves of white marble and black obsidian.
But how much more imposing must they have been when their eye sockets were equipped with staring eyes of black obsidian and white coral.
He returned a moment later with a water jug and a small, glittering bowl of almost transparent black obsidian.
Corum was about to reply when he saw something move on a rise of black obsidian a short distance away.
It is mined in underground shafts and resembles shiny black obsidian.