Ms. Gallas found the missing black patent leather pants, and the strobe lights on stage turn bright pink.
Of course, the ultimate is to have them in black patent.
The two-tone leather pump in black patent and beige, near right, was shown with tailored navy suits and other daytime clothes.
Shoes: Same as the marching band - black patent leather shoes.
Her stockings were dark and her shoes, though also apparently new, the outdated stiletto-heeled pointed kind of gleaming black patent.
A black patent lace-up from Barneys toes the same black-tie party line, for $245.
I looked at Grandmas big black patent leather purse.
It is $124 at Macy's in orange or green suede or black patent.
High heels, black patent, gleaming slightly in the ragged moonlight.
The red and black patent are new and, like the originals, are $150 a pair.