She seemed to do most of the talking, while the other one, with the large, nervous mouth and black, stringy plaits, hovered nearby.
He settled across the boards from a doxie with a waist-length black plait and immediately started to talk.
Veja toyed with the long, glossy black plait that curled around her left shoulder.
And, Moreta noted enviously, thick long black plaits gleamed in the well-lit room.
Nothing was ordinary, nothing was expected, except for her two black legs and the black plaits on each side of her head.
She took the cap from her head, and the thick black plait tumbled out from under it.
He is described as having brown skin, with black plaits of hair braided with gold.
For a little while I wondered helplessly if they would frame me in white pleats and black plaits but they used the Roman style.
She was a menacing student with black and white plaits.
She made a face as she turned back to the room, hands busy unbraiding the thick, black plait which hung halfway down her back.