The Governor's car has a crown on a black plate.
The station signs are in the standard black plate with white lettering.
Light signals are composed of one, two or three lights in a black plate with white border.
But that black plate was spinning out into the sun haze.
This system was used from 1938 until 31 December 1988 and consisted of a black plate with silver letters.
One piece sat on each of the two black plates in front of the chairs.
An older book, that is one published before around 1900, will only have black and white plates, which are unlikely to be photographs.
What this means is that we still have half a million black plates that were used from 1963 to 1969 on the road.
The bread is cooked on a large, black, clay plate over a fire.
The station names are in the standard black plates with white lettering.