They were seen as the enemy, especially black police, who were like traitors.
He had sold them both to the black police For the sake of the big reward.
It paused at the ceremonial gate and turned left and came south towards the black police Caprice.
In the summer of 1988, for example, Dearborn was forced to accept its first black police recruit.
A further guard of black police walked at the back of all.
This was a world no white men ever entered, and where even the black municipal police came only on invitation and under sufferance.
So where are all the black police officers?
"I'm still a bit nervous," he added, thronged by friends and relatives and wearing a black police bulletproof vest.
Of those who said they detected favoritism by the police - both black and white - nearly all said it was toward whites.
He had been supported for the job by the Grand Council of the Guardians, a black police officers' organization.