For several weeks that summer, blacks protested what they saw as rude treatment, unfair policies that forbade the return or exchange of merchandise and shopkeepers' unwillingness to hire local residents.
Prominent blacks and others protested that crimes against blacks prompted far less media attention and outrage.
Would he suggest affluent blacks not protest police brutality, de facto school segregation, housing or employment discrimination?
Mr. Watkins suggests that blacks protested the show because they were uncomfortable with black actors exposing the idiosyncrasies of black life to white America.
For weeks blacks in Birmingham, Ala., had protested against segregation in department stores and elsewhere.
When blacks protested against the segregation they created gangs to become stronger.
Whites deny that there's racism, and most blacks never protest.
Even if blacks protested, the activists said, there would be little recourse because there are no laws or penalties in Peru to protect them from racism.
Many blacks and Puerto Ricans protested in front of Yankee Stadium in response to what is believed to have been a racially motivated decision.
In Mississippi, blacks are protesting the state flag's inclusion of the Confederate battle flag.