I could see the orange flame in the middle of the black puffs.
Every so often, antiaircraft fire would splotch the air below and behind him with black puffs of smoke.
There were five black puffs of smoke hanging in the sky and two clay birds about to be hit.
And black puffs of antiaircraft fire in among them.
When Dismé reached the ground, she could still see the tree tops over the intervening growth, black puffs against the lighter sky.
Flak starts arriving in black puffs and gradually fills the sky.
A few trucks lumbered along the highway, emitting little black puffs of diesel smoke.
Through his binoculars he began to pick out the sudden black puffs of successful intercepts.
The black puff of smoke that marked the detonation didn't seem to affect the enemy.
The sky above the capital of the Confederate States filled with black puffs of smoke.