In 1975-76, the study said, 5,455 blacks in the five states received bachelor degrees.
In addition, blacks received equal rations and improved medical care.
It was already known that blacks receive fewer flu shots than whites.
Are blacks receiving the loans that fit them best?
No blacks received the homes, which sold for between $40,000 and $64,000.
While the whites earned on average R$15.90 per hour, the blacks and browns received R$11.40, when they worked the same period.
When blacks did receive training, it was usually for lower-paying jobs, the study found.
Only 9 percent of blacks felt blacks would receive "excellent" or "pretty good" justice from the system.
The blacks received word from their scouts that the second public telephone wasn't clear.
Eleanor Roosevelt along with the cabinet worked hard to ensure that blacks received 10 percent of welfare funds.