If so, black schoolchildren could enroll in white schools that accepted them in time for the 1991 school year, which begins next January.
The gap between black and white schoolchildren widened.
As a result, few schoolchildren, white or black, know anything about how people here lived for centuries - and still live, in remote areas.
They said that she ejected two groups of mostly black and Hispanic schoolchildren who had been invited into the private park by the club.
Only 2 percent of black schoolchildren attended integrated schools.
Even if enacted, this is unlikely to affect more than a tiny percent of black schoolchildren.
His appeal for black schoolchildren to return to classes was also widely disregarded.
Mr. Mandela has turned into the main topic of book reports, poetry and classroom discussions among many black schoolchildren.
It brings to mind the memorable photographs of police dogs and fire hoses assaulting black schoolchildren in the 1960s.
Underachievement of black schoolchildren, particularly boys, has been a long-term concern for ministers and community leaders.