Allison Stern presented her husband with a black cylindrical seal.
The lead truck pulled to a halt in the right lane, fifty feet from the black seal at the end of the tunnel.
Above my study table, on the top shelf, you will find a parchment with a black seal upon it.
The bank was noted in the black, circular seal to the left of the portrait.
He suffered serious injuries to his spine but his life was saved by a black seal swimming below him.
The contract with the black seal has become a life sentence he can no longer endure.
A black seal with the product name and a drawing of a guitar completed the first package of the candy.
These sharks have known to grow up to 25 feet and eat black seals near the beach shore.
This was in allusion to its heavy black seal and border.
They were both foreigners, Australian born, perhaps, but still with the black and antique seal of their ancestry upon them.