This happened when Hushang hurled a flint rock to kill a venomous black serpent.
The floor was the same uneasily familiar black and green serpent pattern.
He followed the path of a sinuous black serpent that swept from right to left across the lake.
After a season, a "black serpent" would come and defeat both the "white" and "red serpents".
Eve's temptation, with the hideous black serpent entwined about the tree of knowledge.
Dark things skittered and moved, ran like black, rapid serpents in the corridors.
With a last mighty movement, the golden arm pulled the tail of the black serpent through the Tanu worm's jaws.
A black serpent, draped over her hand.
The black serpent called to Linden's percipience, urging her to follow where it led.
Immediately, the red and black serpents banked toward Aurora.