Some young black shoppers said the new chaperon policy would only add to their sense that they were under added scrutiny at the Mall of America.
But black shoppers, for the most part, ignored calls for a boycott of white-owned businesses.
When black shoppers returned last weekend, white store owners put up welcome signs, and some served champagne to their first customers.
One is the failure to thank a customer for shopping at the store or the tendency of some merchants to act suspicious of black shoppers.
The streets are crowded with shoppers, mostly black and Hispanic.
In the meantime, black shoppers must pay higher prices at township stores or ride a bus to Tzaneen, nearly 70 miles away.
And in each experiment, black shoppers got poorer deals, he said.
Some black shoppers were skeptical that the Council's action would signal meaningful change.
But the store reports strong sales from black and white shoppers.
No effort is made to clarify the incident involving the treatment of a black shopper that set off the boycott.