But among these exotic references, he also includes such personal mementos as an old studio portrait of three neatly dressed black sisters.
Two black sisters, both of them over 13 8 26100, reflect on their lives.
A minute or two later the black sister rose from the desk and crossed to the door marked "Duty Doctor."
Baby loves her rustic life, another letter continued to the black and white sister in Caen: she's grown into a fine healthy creature.
I would like to challenge other black priests and other black sisters to do the same.
Two black sisters 4 reflect on their lives.
Did my mind stop to mourn with that nude black sister of mine?
Two black sisters, 11 both over 100, reflect.
Two black sisters, both of them over 100, reflect on their lives.
The reminiscences of two black sisters, both of them over 100.