It had 30,000 feet on each of three floors, and these 20-story huge black smokestacks coming off the top.
He put on a just-for-show black smokestack with a big E, for Eddie, on it.
Most important, the grand ship with the towering black and red smokestack dazzled.
The tug's five-foot black smokestack sits on shore like a doffed stovepipe hat.
I looked up at the great black smokestack, which seemed hi its immensity to be the very chimney of hell.
The scrying-water had shown terrifying factories built especially for disposal of the dead, ovens hot enough to reduce bone to ash, black smokestacks belching greasy smoke into a charred orange sky.
She was slim-lined and brightly white, with a raked red and black smokestack: a brand-new-looking toy.
The classic "Armco Steel" (1922), a powerful sharp-focus shot of tall, graduated black and gray smokestacks and buildings angled against an empty white sky, is probably the best-known result of the shoot.
Created in 1969, it shows four black smokestacks, with fumes coming from the two in the middle.
Ferries with rows of black smokestacks as tall as top hats would drift across the bay, spitting out sparks as big as oranges.