And a whole generation of American composers heeded his call, incorporating black spirituals and dances into their concert music.
Next Sunday's program, to take place from 4 to 7 p.m., will feature black spirituals, gospel music and a play based on black history.
That 1960 work, which became his most popular piece and a classic of American modern dance, celebrated black spirituals, gospel music and small-town religion.
Jewish music in Russia, she said, is like gospel music and black spirituals in the United States.
They were singing Bach and other classical music as well as black spirituals.
"Revelations," an eloquent and ever-popular dance to arrangements of black spirituals, is now 40 years old.
There is no better proof than in the company's terrific performance of "Revelations," his tribute to the faith behind black spirituals.
Five great choruses, moving and glorious, he made as arrangements of black American spirituals.
The finale was a fervent account of "Revelations" (1960), that glorious tribute to black spirituals.
The evening came to a triumphant end with "Revelations," set to traditional black spirituals.