It was a day of black squalls, makin' up out of the southeast, with hot calm spells betwixt 'em.
There was a black squall, and night coming on, when he led out the fleet to take Byzantium; but we all set off singing against the thunder.
The twenty-eighth of August was a dismal day of alternate calms and black squalls which greatly increased the dangers of navigation.
He saw a silent black squall which had eaten up already one-third of the sky.
But we had hardly got her head round before the black squall hit us - Lord!
Then a black squall bore down from the southeast, preceded by a fierce gust of wind.
Without any warning but three black squalls in quick succession the wind chopped about into the west, blowing right into their teeth and bringing very heavy rain.
I like storms-blizzards in the winter and black squalls in the summer.
As suddenly as it had come up, the black squall passed over.
To the south, a mean, black squall shed bolts of lightning.