Visiting butterflies include monarchs, Eastern tiger swallowtails, black swallowtails, skippers, and painted ladies.
I was dumbstruck by what I saw - two five-inch-wingspan, velvety black swallowtails in my office!
He, too, was dressed for dinner, in black swallowtails and white tie.
Also in April, catch the first butterflies of the season, as black swallowtail and spring azure butterflies emerge from their chrysalides.
During its caterpillar stage, the eastern black swallowtail is partial to members of the carrot family, which includes Queen Anne's lace and parsley.
Then a black swallowtail flies jauntily by, even though it has lost one of its tails in escaping a bird.
We also regret that our own ignorance kept us from sacrificing our parsley in an effort to perpetuate the black swallowtail.
The gloriously beautiful black swallowtail butterfly.
This primarily black swallowtail is normally found in deciduous woods or woody swamps, where they can be found flying low and fast through shaded areas.
They have written a book championing the cause of the butterfly, teaching readers to raise monarchs and black swallowtails themselves.