One day, Jim invites a group of black teens who have just been thrown off the basketball court in the Center's yard in for a swim.
They mostly in their late teens and early 20s, black and white.
While white teens and black teens may listen to the same hip-hop music, they may not think of their world as "colorless."
Every state reported a decline, and the drop was most pronounced among Puerto Rican and non-Hispanic black teens.
Two white females were found alongside the black teens at the time.
Hehman was chased into the street by a group of black teens who allegedly shouted "get the white boy."
Slam (1998) - A young black teen with an attitude problem deals with life on and off the basketball court.
Most black teens who are murdered are killed by other black teens.
Last summer, the employment rate for black teens from low-income families was an abysmal 18 percent.
You hear black teens saying smoking's a white thing.