I rocked her back and forth in my arms under the black thunderheads.
Soon the heavy, black thunderheads were over us.
Then clouds began to move in from the west, a large threat- ening bank of black thunderheads.
I must - His single eye is drawn to the black thunderhead hanging behind the men from the Ter.
The very air around us seemed charged with raw fury, and black thunderheads were converging on us.
A black thunderhead rose in the sky above it, raining lightning down on the barren slopes.
Dawn light spread from the east, and Malenfant saw a cloud of smoke, a huge black thunderhead, lifting up into the sky.
Above her the slate-gray sky was filled with huge thunderheads of cloud, black and menacing.
Eddie looked at the sky and saw the stormclouds moving in from the west in black thunderheads.
They piled up over the tower in an enormous, spreading black thunderhead.