His theater costume consists of jeans, sneakers, a long black topcoat and a tan felt fedora.
There were enough black topcoats, black umbrellas, and black hats to fill Piccadilly.
Ice had formed on his beard and his heavy black, double-shouldered topcoat glistened white in the moonlight.
And another one, a plain, black topcoat, that had turned him cold with terror and robbed him of his appetite.
Johnny thought of the plain, black topcoat.
He wore a black topcoat and appeared to be in a civilian business suit rather than the bemedaled uniform favored by senior Soviet officers.
He knows that, after the "encounter," Strauss-Kahn put on "his light black topcoat."
The other was Fraser, in a black topcoat and bowler hat.
She had on a black topcoat and black slouch hat.
He wore a black topcoat which revealed an immaculate white shirtfront and a solid dark tie.