He was dressed in a black tux, complete with tails.
He was wearing a black tux with a shirt of deep, rich blue and a matching bow tie.
As with the modern bride, the modern groom no longer absolutely has to wear a traditional black tux.
He'd worn a black tux and knew he looked great, but he was still unsure of himself.
All the other men were in black tuxes, some with tails, some just tailored.
Dr. Bashir looked out of place in a black tux.
He wore a classic black tux and had a genuine smile on his gorgeous clean-cut face.
He might not be too crazy about resigning his groomsmen to basic black tuxes.
Jean-Claude was dressed in a shiny black tux, complete with tails.
They were in marvelous black tuxes that looked like dress uniforms from a classic eighties space opera.