A black vase with a bouquet of white lilies was the only decoration.
For example: "The black vase goes on the white table and vice versa."
A black vase sat on the table filled with white tulips.
After firing, the glossy slip applied to the vase turned dull black.
For Jean-Claude pure white orchids in a simple but elegant black vase.
She was with Julia on this day, watching her arrange greens in the diner's little black vases, when the front door opened.
Between a tray of small bronze bottles and cubes of clear gum a single flower stood displayed in a black vase.
"Hey, how much do you figure we'll get for that black vase?"
There was a black vase on the table full of what looked like either small wild flowers or large black-eyed-Susans.
A statuary-marble center table held a black vase full of white silk flowers.