The three reclined around the fire and talked as the stars came out in the immense black vault of the heavens.
He glanced quickly over his shoulder at the vault's black open- ing.
In the black vault overhead loomed the great green bulk of Earth.
The black vault of the sky arched overhead, speckled by what seemed to be whole galaxies.
Sitting on the sofa, she pulled the helmet on, encasing herself in a safe black vault.
The black vault closed in upon the earth as if to crush it in its embrace.
Eragon looked at the black vault of the sky, judging the hour by how far the stars had rotated.
Through the tele- scopic sight, she saw the figure in black vault the turret.
Chapter Eighteen Maris stared out over the dark sea, the stars bright in the black vault of the sky above.
"The moon," Marcie said, her eyes fixed on the silvery crescent high in the black vault of the sky.