"I won't be denied my vengeance on the black villain who shot my horse!"
Even the blackest villain will feel shame if caught unable to justify himself.
The news notes had painted him as the blackest villain, vicious from childhood, since only a truly vicious child could have killed two trained adults.
D'you think I'd say so if I didn't, you black villain?
There is also a black villain that gets the Gothic empress with child - a black child." "
Swallow your bile, you black villain, and perchance it will turn to poetry.
I found that I was under the orders of a black villain and caught in a meshwork of crime.
You hairy black villain, what are you doing to that poor assassin?
Maybe they're using that union, our collective mind, for some blankety-blank-blank scheme, double-dyed black villains that they are!
"Ambrose, you are a black villain," said my uncle.