He uses black-and-white scenes as chapter headings, introducing new twists in the plot.
The beeps and throbbing heard in the first black-and-white scene become the trip-hop that insinuates its way into Pitsee's head.
The video begins with a non-musical black-and-white scene, as in the original, but it is much shorter.
It was a black-and-white with the address of the crime scene camera-lettered white at the bottom of the picture, the date and time the right-hand corner.
There are also black-and-white scenes of the gang performing the song in a Newcastle hotel room.
The video is intercut with black-and-white scenes from the rehearsal on which their relationship is based.
Such monochromatic fields seem expressionistic, yet they reveal even less about the photographer than his most reticent black-and-white scenes of dirt and concrete.
Few Americans had seen anything more of a World Series than patchy black-and-white scenes worked into movie newsreels.
In a black-and-white scene, Rihanna licks the joint and begins smoking it.
The menu is written on the chalkboard, and black-and-white scenes of Paris set the mood just right.