And I think President Bush has been pretty willing, when that is the case, to speak in black-and-white terms.
These designers, many still in their 40's, are less apt to judge that past in black-and-white terms than to extract its neglected beauty.
Jerusalem is rarely publicly discussed by Israeli or Palestinian leaders in anything but black-and-white terms.
When you're thinking in more black-and-white terms, we'll talk about it again.
Mr Brown does not see the world in such black-and-white terms.
All these responses are framed in the dramatic, sentimental or goofy black-and-white terms that shaped his sense of the world early on.
Others do not see the implications for computer supremacy in chess in black-and-white terms.
Interviews with senior administration officials, however, indicated that now that question is no longer viewed in such black-and-white terms.
With his keen sense of the complexity of situations, he refused to see the world or the Church in black-and-white terms.
As Bart had said, their multivalued logic kept them from seeing things in black-and-white terms.