Nearly 30 years after mounting a guerrilla struggle against South Africa's white Government, the African National Congress is moving toward an effort to negotiate for black-majority rule.
While it stops short of acknowledging that black-majority rule could prompt a flight of white capital and technical skills, the African National Congress emphasizes that private businesses have a major role to play.
Mr. Chidzero, a respected technician who sought successfully to dissuade Zimbabwe's white farmers from fleeing black-majority rule at independence, presided over an economy dominated by large Government-owned corporations.
Their hold on vast farmlands, which the Government cannot easily afford to buy, grows ever firmer as fears over black-majority rule recede.
It pledges to make significant progress over the next five years toward "a new South Africa," in which white domination would end without being replaced by black-majority rule.
Today, the South African Conservative Party's leader, Andries P. Treurnicht, conceded defeat in the referendum, but reiterated that right-wing whites would continue to resist the approach of black-majority rule.
The white inhabitants of Namibia celebrated Christmas in this coastal resort with little of the fear and panic that the prospect of black-majority rule evoked in them a decade ago.
It also reiterated its demand for the creation of an interim government that would guide the way to black-majority rule.
Philosophy: Demands black-majority rule and one-man, one-vote.
The Government's critics have said the Inkatha scandal showed that Pretoria could not be trusted to impartially oversee a transition to black-majority rule.