All the bladder symptoms gradually disappear about the fourth month, but become prominent again toward the end of pregnancy.
If muscle cramps and spasm are common, they may be aggravating the bladder symptoms.
Vesicare demonstrated 24-hour control of overactive bladder symptoms.
Some people find that creamy and rich, sour cream and cheese may make overactive bladder symptoms worse.
Remember that frequently recurring bladder symptoms can be caused by some conditions, like interstitial cystitis, and are not necessary a result of an infection.
After a few weeks, Chancellor says, some patients can stop the medications originally prescribed to relieve the bladder symptoms.
Can menopause, stress, and other conditions affect overactive bladder symptoms?
An expert talks about the causes of bladder symptoms.
What can you change in your life to improve your overactive bladder symptoms?
Cranberry has been used in alternative medicine to prevent bladder symptoms such as pain or burning with urination.