The short spears they carried were about four feet long, a blade curving outward and broadening toward the front third.
The blade curved down, severing the spinal cord and piercing a lung before cutting into the beast's giant heart.
The blade curved sharply, first angling out from the hilt and then around into a deep crescent.
Breaca laid out a row of seven elm-hilted skinning knives with their blades curved back at the tip.
He was grasping a scimitar with a blade curved in the shape of the crescent moon, that shone like an arc of white fire.
The blade curved back upon itself in a tight arc at the tip.
The bare blade curved like a horn, and the quillons were golden serpents.
The broadest blades below-the single broadsword, the two sabers, one straight and one curved slightly.
The blade was eight inches long, tapered and slightly curved at the tip.
Unarc held a knife the length of his forearm; its heavy blade curved inward like that of a pruning hook.