It's been easier to blame supposed Oriental greed and cunning.
He blamed greed as the league's motivation.
Bob Lanier found it hard to explain what happened at Enron, but he could not simply blame greed.
You can blame greed for Enron's collapse, as many do, but its fate is probably rooted as much in Texas myth gone mad.
The insurers' critics blame greed and inefficiency for the national trend to higher rates.
Here we see the real reason behind 'The Riots' - and those over priviledged Tory ministers had the utter gall to blame 'greed'.
Moderate liberals blame corporate greed.
I blame greed and uncontrolled human population growth.
They have blamed greed by doctors and hospitals, pointing out that hysterectomies constitute a $3 billion a year business.
Some complain that there were unnecessary deaths here, and they blame human greed, shoddy construction and Government indifference.