Ip blamed political and religious leaders for creating a "herd mentality".
Some Zion Christians blame political leaders for not ending the factional killing.
Surviving tribe members blame Islamic militant leaders, saying they sent the valley's sons to their deaths, then did nothing to help the families left behind.
I don't know who I blame most-cynical leaders, or the gullible people who listen to them.
He then blames military leaders for overestimating the effectiveness of bombing.
They blame teachers who will not agree to link pay with student performance; teachers blame leaders for unrealistic goals.
In recent days, some specialists have begun to blame the central bank and European political leaders for making the problem worse.
He said he knew that international aid donors blamed Somali leaders for not doing what they could to end the starvation.
He blames Democratic leaders in the legislature who were co-opted by the governor's willingness to finance many of their causes.
Some blame religious leaders who had no control of their flocks.