Proponents of the amendment insisted they would try again, probably in the next Congress, and blamed political pressure for their defeat.
As in the Williams death, caseworkers have in part blamed undue pressure to sign off on older cases.
He closely beat Ville Lång of Finland in rubber games for the first round, and blamed pressure for close defeat.
He blamed pressure from the army.
Many Palestinian officials blame Israeli military pressure for growing lawlessness in their cities.
She'll blame pressure on him at work, or his being led astray by boozy colleagues, or even kid herself some sleazy bimbo seduced him.
"It's opened a deep wound here," Mr. Arndt said, blaming "outside pressure."
The reports blamed pressure from Israel and the United States to crack down on Islamic militants as a driving force behind the violence of the Palestinian services.
He blamed political and media pressure on his family in the wake of "false" allegations of sexual harassment and a 13-year-long extra-marital affair.
Nor must it begrudge taking action, or blame 'international pressure,' for the decision to shoulder what are politically difficult responsibilities.