Monte's smooth, roundish face and dapper mustache never lost their bland appearance under the strain of drinking bouts.
Although this makes the release available to anybody with a text-reader, a drawback of this format is the lack of markup and the resulting relatively bland appearance.
Zoal had chosen to wear nondescript features, giving him the bland appearance of an unremarkable man with a sagging face and rugged eyebrows.
However, Martin criticized the "mediocre" animation noting the "bland" appearance of characters as uncharacteristic of harem anime.
Every building in Khyming was painted an unrelenting white, which gave the town a strangely sterile and bland appearance, despite its remarkable design.
Uranus has a relatively bland appearance, lacking broad colorful bands and large clouds prevalent on Jupiter and Saturn.
Upon the completion of its construction, the Cathedral generated controversy among tourists and locals because of its bland and dull appearance.
The Rev. James Beach was a stout person of bland and prepossessing appearance.
The Masters themselves possess a bland and diminutive appearance intended to compel other races to underestimate them.
They show a uniform architecture of closely packed acinar or tubular structures of mature and bland appearance with scanty interposed stroma.