It's the masalas and chutneys with their intricate, varied mixtures that give character and add interest to even the blandest dishes.
Entrees offer the same perplexing mix of perfectly seasoned, bland or oversalted dishes.
The result is a somewhat bland dish: say, gefilte fish with not enough bite.
Nonetheless, you may well find yourself ordering frequent rounds of bland dishes simply for the pleasure of watching the spellbinding grace with which they are served.
For her main course she received a bland dish of linguine with assorted seafood that had been requested spicy.
Tsampa is a simple, bland and lightweight dish made from flour used for centuries by the wandering Tibetan monks.
Many, perhaps most, of the other preparations sampled were timidly seasoned and spiced, resulting in bland dishes that lack zing.
The Wales's bland and unadventurous vegetarian dish, reflects their lacklustre marriage.
Do not substitute one for the other, or you may end up with an inedibly bland or sweet dish.
The food consisted of rather bland dishes, weighted heavily towards starches.