Five high-resolution faces appeared on the pane, each time a man under thirty, and all with the same general bland features.
Close up, his bland and amiable features fooled no one.
A faint smile appeared on the large, bland features.
Ignoring the demon, who backed to the tree line, bland features lit with expectation, Ross stepped forward.
The other neuter had stepped a little away and was watching with an enigmatic look on its bland features.
Quaggy had turned again and was contemplating Vance's bland features.
Through the windows, he could see Dodgson sitting inside at a booth, his bland features frowning.
"We'll be back in just a moment," the moderator said, as the camera panned up on his bland features.
Satisfied, he went on his way, that nuildl confused expression still spread across his bland features.
A man of bland features and of equally bland dress.