Some Conservatives blame Mr. Major's bland personality and the defensive campaign that he and his team waged for their reduced prospects this time.
He considered all that as he watched Sarah, he was a bland personality.
She was often praised for her potential and stunning photographs but was criticized for her bland personality.
This provided narrative interest that compensated for the generally bland personality Mickey Mouse had during this period.
Sluggishly, he acknowledged my request, young blood, bland personality, ambitionless life, then drifted off.
Annie's first impression was of a nice-enough-looking bloke with a bland and unassuming personality, quite a contrast to the chic, successful and dynamic Roy Banks.
Face it, Lynne is a plain woman with a bland personality.
Rather, she presents a frail woman with a bland personality who seems genuinely surprised that bad things happened to her throughout her short life.
Part of it, too, is the relatively bland personalities of the two contenders.
In each sketch they have a guest, always played with a similarly bland personality by the host of the episode.