There was something naggingly familiar about the blank-faced man with the aristocratic features and the long, delicate fingers.
He could hardly grasp that this strange, blank-faced man was in Sam's dugout.
The man, still blank-faced, glanced at the huge figure by the car.
Studying the blank-faced men, Irene saw that their faces, too, had actually registered amazement.
But there was a knot of blank-faced men and women huddled in depressed passivity near the back wall.
An army of blank-faced men and women wait in the pews or in the holding pens for their cases to be called.
The blank-faced young man said, "I was afraid.
Jason Smith was nicely menacing as the blank-faced man who rose from the audience to carry her to and from the stage.
He allowed himself a mental grumble that never touched his face and commanded himself not to pay any attention whatsoever to the blank-faced young man sitting to his left.
Half a dozen blank-faced men now moved with them, distrustful eyes on the crowd.