The United States also ended blanket opposition to lending to Cambodia by international financial institutions.
A Sunday Life poll has revealed blanket opposition to the scheme which could spell closure for scores of rural post offices across the province.
The core conservative argument, one that unites libertarians and business lobbies, is blanket opposition to government mandates.
But the modifications do not go nearly far enough to persuade the Real Estate Board of New York to drop its blanket opposition.
Others say that people who adopt a blanket opposition to human cloning risk losing the opportunity to influence future discussions.
Most importantly, and surprisingly given all the bad blood between them, there is pretty much blanket opposition to partition amongst all the Afghan factions.
Simply, this is a blanket opposition to the bosses, but is also a refusal to accept even the idea of acknowledged leadership.
Free-trade Democrats should be using their leverage to get more support for retraining assistance to displaced workers, not simply posturing with blanket opposition.
The fund, for example, has relaxed its blanket opposition to budget deficits.
I'm a casualty of the blanket opposition to new establishments.