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They rode in silence, and over them was the same blanketing of thought as the girl had used.
"Covered with a blanketing of stones, that we threw down after it."
This also accounted for the blanketing of radio waves in their vicinity.
Then, with a blanketing of the moonlight, the rakish apparition was gone.
Extensive blanketing and electric heaters protect against cold.
The blanketing of the ground with a variable depth of peat gives the habitat type its name.
She was close to tears because she was desperate to escape him and the sensual blanketing of his body upon hers.
This is a minimal clip, and many horses with this clip do not need extra care beyond regular blanketing.
Steam blanketing has been postulated to occur between the partially spalled deposits and the heat transfer surface.
The blanketing of the sludge enables a dual solid and hydraulic (liquid) retention time in the digesters.
Possible blanketing of target area with hazardous materials in the case of detonation of nuclear warhead(s).
Most of the material is synthetic--I use terrycloth a lot and I've made things out of ordinary blanketing, outing flannel.
Such blanketing of the airwaves this early in a campaign - especially with the campaigns in all-out attack mode - is unheard of in Presidential politics.
Abyssal plains result from the blanketing of an originally uneven surface of oceanic crust by fine-grained sediments, mainly clay and silt.
Before the days of T-tails, there was a possibility of the downward movement of the elevator causing some blanketing of the rudder and reducing its effectiveness.
But from an economic perspective I also question whether the blanketing of the city with bike lanes-more than two hundred miles in the past three years-meets an objective cost-benefit criterion.
It is by reason of this cosy blanketing of his body, that the whale is enabled to keep himself comfortable in all weathers, in all seas, times, and tides.
I smiled to myself and relapsed into the state of half suspended animation which was normal to me at these times; a sleepy blanketing of all the senses except those required for the job in hand.
Another instance might be schools or universities or corporations that don't want to do a wholesale blanketing, but for example they want to keep their employees from spending all day on Facebook or logged into Twitter.
Apart from such aesthetic changes, involving the blanketing of large areas with uniform tree stands planted in regular rows, there is evidence to show that afforestation programmes have led to the alteration of other floral and faunal elements of these ecosystems.
Although one person nearly fell into the Capelinhos crater, there were no deaths from the eruption; generally, ash deposits and some projectiles caused the destruction of homes and the blanketing of agricultural lands in the parishes of Capelo and Praia do Norte.
I had a brief impression of a white flickering-it was the seasonal blanketing and uncovering of the land by winter's snow and ice-and then the ice and permafrost settled over the ground, unyielding to the seasons, a hard gray-white surface which laid itself down with every impression of permanence.