Her backhand slapped his chest, sending him into the other bedroom as the blast roared back up at them.
A second blast roared in, grounding out at Cadderly's feet, scorching the rug about him.
A blast of flame roared overhead, with metal and crystal scything through the late-afternoon air.
Aesir reached for the controls of the elevator cab as the blast roared in throaty fury at dissolving, flaming walls.
The front door was open, and a blast from a shotgun roared around the jamb into the house.
Its blast roared amid the echoes of the revolver shot.
The blast of superheated air roared against my face, vaporising the oncoming stealer and chewing a chunk out of the front few ranks.
Then a blast of bitterly cold air roared from the ventilator, clearing away the gas and steam, and the speaker came to life.
The blast of hot exhaust from the building steam system roared in his ears, swirled around him and made him sweat.
A furious blast roared through the trees, making everything sing as it went.