As the steering jets swung free, the Star Spear blasted upward.
Silently, water blasted upward, hurling the raft into the air, overturning it.
She hung on for dear life, and was rewarded when her whole body blasted upward with such force she rose, gasping, out of the water.
There also were a dozen or so space-ships, too close for comfort, blasting upward.
Lines of fire were blasting upward from the break between two buildings.
The rifle kicked and crashed and the dust blasted upward.
Seconds before ignition, a shaped charge would blast upward through the last few feet of soil to open the way for the rocket.
Ice and fire blasted upward and rolled out into the open ice fields.
Jennan, bracing himself and the women, could feel her sluggishness as she blasted upward.
The central pillar blasted upward as if jarred by the collision.